Dankbar, ich bin sehr dankbar für die Behandlung von Pino, unserem austherapierten Shetlandpony welches als unheilbar lahm galt und von den Tierärzten aufgegeben wurde. Chris Pearson wurde mir von einer Kollegin empfohlen und ich stellte ihm Pino vor, welcher nicht mehr reitbar und vorne stocklahm war. Chris Pearson wollte über den Zustand des Ponys nichts wissen , er behandelte ihn 1 mal und Pino lief ohne das geringste Anzeichen von Lahmheit. Er konnte von meiner Tochter wieder geritten, sogar gesprungen werden, was ein Wunder ist.
Trotz verschiedener tierärztlicher Diagnosen, welche auf Hufrehe, Fehlstellung und sogar Cushing beriefen, war es eine blockierte Schulter.
Wir sind Chris Pearson unendlich dankbar für sein Wirken und empfehlen ihn absolut weiter.
Daniela Dähler
Google Translation:
Thankfully, I am very grateful for the treatment of Pino, our over-treated Shetland pony, which was considered to be incurably paralyzed and abandoned by the veterinarians. Chris Pearson was recommended to me by a colleague and I introduced him to Pino, who was no longer fit for riding and was stock-lame in front. Chris Pearson did not want to know about the condition of the pony, he treated him once and Pino ran without the slightest sign of lameness. He could be ridden by my daughter again, even jumped, which is a miracle.
Despite various veterinary diagnoses, which relied on laminitis, malposition and even Cushing, it was a blocked shoulder.
We are infinitely grateful to Chris Pearson for his work and absolutely recommend him.
Luna hatte eine Kieferblockade welche von Chris Pearson nebenbei (er behandelte unser Pony) gelöst wurde, ohne das unser Hund reagierte, welcher sich von Fremden nicht anfassen lässt, über sich ergehen liess. Eine Blockade lösen ist ja nicht einfach, normalerweise schnappt unser Hund da zu , respektiv man kommt gar nicht an ihn heran.
Nebst all den Behandlungen von Chris Pearson in unserem Umfeld und nun auch bei Luna, kann ich nur sagen:
Das war dein Meisterstück Chris!
Danke von ganzem Herzen, denn mit Luna können wir nicht mal zum Tierarzt ohne Vorsichtsmassnahmen.
Chris Pearson hat ein ausserordentliches Talent, sich auf jede Person oder sogar ein traumatisiertes Tier jeweils einzustellen.
Wir empfehlen Chris Pearson sehr gerne weiter.
Google Translation:
Luna had a mandibular blockade which was solved by Chris Pearson (he treated our pony) without our dog reacting, who would not let strangers touch him. Solving a blockade is not easy, usually our dog grabs there, so you can not get close to him.
Besides all the treatments of Chris Pearson in our environment and now also in Luna, I can only say:
That was your masterpiece Chris!
Thank you with all your heart, because with Luna we can not even visit the vet without taking precautions.
Chris Pearson has an extraordinary ability to adapt to any person or even a traumatized animal.
We are happy to recommend Chris Pearson.
Nachdem unser Pony erfolgreich behandelt wurde, liess ich auch meinen Sohn, welcher seit geraumer Zeit an Rückenschmerzen litt von Chris Peason behandeln. Nachdem er meinen Sohn laufen sah, wieder ohne zu Wissen was dessen Problem war, löste Chris Pearson die verklebten Fazien in den Beinen und riet zu Uebungen mit einer Blackroll , sowie zu einer bewussten Korrektur des Ganges. Nach kurzer Zeit verschwanden die vorher konstanten Rückenschmerzen komplett.
Wir sind begeistert von dem Erfolg, zumal der Kinderarzt nur Magnesium verschrieben hatte.
Daraufhin wagte ich es, meine Wirbelsäule ansehen zu lassen, welche durch einen schweren Autounfall ein Doppel-S aufweist, durch Schleudertrauma überdehnte Bänder und verschobenen Wirbel. Seit dem Unfall vor über 20 Jahren lernte ich mit dem Handycap und den daraus resultierenden Schmerzen zu leben. Chris Pearson konnte durch mehrere Behandlungen meine schiefe Körperhaltung soweit korrigieren, dass ich schmerzfrei, stabil wurde und vor allem eine völlig andere Körperhaltung in Folge der Behandlungen aufwies.
Ich bin vorher regelmässig bei Chiropraktoren gewesen, welche mir jedoch nur sehr kurzfristige Schmerzfreiheit gaben.
Chris Pearson konnte das soweit in Ordnung bringen und mir ein neues Körperbewusstsein vermitteln, das bis heute anhält, ich bin ein neuer Mensch dadurch geworden, vor allem beschwerdefrei, wofür ich äusserst danbar bin.
Chris Pearson ist mehr als nur kompetent, er nimmt durch seine feinfühlige und konzentrierte Art jedes Detail wahr und schaut sich den ganzen Menschen (oder Tier) an. Es gelingt ihm, Menschen und Tieren zu helfen, welche von der Medizin als unheilbar diagnostiziert worden sind.
Er ist eine Bereicherung für unsere Geselschaft, er verspricht nie etwas , sondern er gibt sein Allerbestes. Ich vertraue seinem Wirken vollkommen und empfehle Chris Pearson wärmstens weiter.
Google Translation:
After our pony was treated successfully, I also had my son, who for some time suffered from back pain by Chris Peason treat. After seeing my son running again, unknowing what his problem was, Chris Pearson pulled the glued facies up in his legs and advised to practice with a blackroll, as well as a deliberate correction of the gait. After a short time, the previously constant back pain completely disappeared.
We are thrilled with the success, especially since the pediatrician had only prescribed magnesium.
Then I ventured to look at my spine, which has a double S due to a serious car accident, ligaments overstretched by whiplash and shifted vertebrae. Since the accident more than 20 years ago I learned to live with the handicap and the resulting pain. Through several treatments, Chris Pearson was able to correct my crooked posture to such an extent that I became painless, stable and, above all, a completely different posture as a result of the treatments.
I've been to chiropractors before, but they gave me very short-term pain relief.
Chris Pearson was able to put that in order and give me a new body awareness, which continues today, I am a new person by it, especially without any complaints, for which I am very thankful.
Chris Pearson is more than competent, he perceives every detail through his sensitive and concentrated manner and looks at the whole person (or animal). He manages to help humans and animals, which have been diagnosed by medicine as incurable.
He is an asset to our society, he never promises anything, but he gives his very best. I fully trust his work and strongly recommend Chris Pearson.
I first used Chris Pearson in the summer of 2018. I had an old back injury that kept coming back from time to time.the treatment I had with Chris was amazing and worked straight away.the treatment was a Friday night and. Two days later I went show jump...
Chris handles our horses very well. He looks at the horses first and assesses their condition. Afterwards he tells us where the horse has a problem and shows us on the basis of the horse how it stands, etc. Then he treats the horse with a special method. You can see that the horse feels better after the treatment. We will then receive instructions on how to ride the horse in the next few days. All our horses feel better after the treatment. They run smoother and are nice and easy to ride.
Chris Pearson’s ganzheitliche Medizin ist unterstützend in allen möglichen Dysbalancen des Organismus. Ob physisch oder psychisch, Mensch oder Tier, chronisch oder akut: Seine Behandlung ist ausschlaggebend, um Heilungsprozesse zu starten, die den Behandelten langanhaltende Resultate verspricht. Seine Methode beruht darauf, das zentrale Nervensystem zu aktivieren und so den reibungslosen Fluss aller Kreisläufe im Körper und somit die Versorgung aller Zellen mit allen Konsequenzen zu gewährleisten. Dies ist die Grundlage für einen gesunden Organismus.
La médecine holistique de Chris Pearson aide à toutes les déséquilibres de l’organisme. Soit physique ou psychique, l’être humain ou l’animal, chronique ou aigu : Son traitement est le part décisif pour faire commencer le processus de guérison, avec des résultats prolongés. Sa méthode est basée sur l’activation du système nerveux central, pour laisser conduire les circulations du corps sans difficulté et avec ça, l’assurance d’assister les cellules, avec toutes les conséquences. C’est le principe fondamental pour un organisme sain.
The hollistic medicine of Chris Pearson is supportive in all sorts of imbalances of the organism. Wheter physically or psychically, human being or animal, chronic or acute. His treatment is the decisive part for getting started the healing process, with longlasting results. His method is based on the activation of the central nerval system and letting the circulations run unresistantly. This allows a complete supply of the cells, with all the following consequences. It’s the rationale for a sane organism.
La medicina olistica di Chris Pearson aiuta in tutti casi d’uno squilibro del organismo. Sia fisico o psychologico, essere umano o animale, chronico o acuto. Il suo trattamento è la parte decisiva per dare l’aire al processo di guarigione con resultati persistente. Suo metodo e basato sull’ attivazione del sistema nervosa centrale e fare conduire le circulazioni senza ostacoli. Questo permessa il rifornimento delle cellule con tutte le conseguenze. È il principio fondamentale per un organismo sano.
All my friends told me to come in and see what you were doing.
They said you do little but I can see you do A LOT ! So you do the human thing as well Brrrrilliant.
"After a successful treatment of my horse and a very spontaneous session with myself (the rider, in a different environment than usual) our four-legged friend thought they would make sure I got very similar treatments. We can not speak highly enough of Dr Chris Pearson's work"
Geoff Harker “They were all wrong but they’re all right now.”
Brian Ellison “I started with JJ two or more years ago, I’m sure it has a bit to do with our success.”
Noel Wilson “I moved to our present yard July/August last year and our form dropped right off.
I was told to call JJ to have a look around and assess the situation. The diagnostic was done product supplied, instructions were followed and we started popping winners within a few weeks.
I can’t recommend highly enough! (except to my competition).”
Jason Treverrow, Tattersalls Sale Room, Newmarket “Cleanliness and health is a key priority.
Using a Relative Light Unit (RLU) the reading of 2,475 was taken from the manger using an ATP meter. After applying the JJ Equine product within 10 minutes the reading was reduced to zero.
Having medical products available for the first time in the equine world really shows us just what can be achieved as precautionary health care for our clients and their horses.”
Kevin Mooney “As an ex jump jockey I had real pain in my neck and shoulder areas, Dr Pearson treats our horses but after seeing their improvement he has also sorted out my historic injuries.
What a relief, just brilliant.”
This is an example of how I work with one of our four legged friends.
Working on another patient .......... tbc
These images are an example of before and after treatment, which may be obvious to some but difficult for others that are not experienced in the Equine world.
Have a look at her back.
"Dobbin" out in the field with ......tbc
Students of my techniques .....tbc
Treating "Dobbin" and .....tbc